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The Tecnoredclinic Group

The TecnoredClinic group is made up of professionals with experience in the pharmaceutical distribution and hospital sectors, both public and private.


Within which we maintain extensive contacts and relationships with medical prescribers. bWe use the best attitude and adapt to new techniques to achieve the objectives and goals of our constituents. 


We work nationally and internationally promoting products in a unique and comprehensive way to achieve the best results.  Extensive experience in foreign markets.

Our values are:

  • Integrity.

  • Honesty.

  • Fidelity. 

  • Transparency. 

Berta González de Canales Mateu,
CEO - Chief executive officer 

El director de arte mirando al guión grá
Gerard González de Canales Mateu,

Entrepreneur with initiative and desire to acquire new professional experiences. Knowledgeable of the latest techniques in digital marketing, management, advertising and public relations.

With proven commercial experience, Gerard is in charge of the commercial management of our product portfolios, as well as communication and management with our commercial team, which covers the entire national territory. 

Do you need more info? contact us

We are here to assist you. Call us or write us an email or contact us through our social channels.

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